I realized that I was on a good path and I enjoyed my work, the things that made me frustrated was small things that could be sorted out with a little discipline. Sometimes a few things can hit you at once, and it makes you feel you just want to take a different way out.
One of the most inspiring people I know is Christine Meintjies, reason being, every idea she gets she takes on full steam, she helps other people, she drives people and to me it feels she is always positive. People like her lift us up when we feel down. She recently wrote a blog post that was one of the awesomest things I have read in a long time. This took my positiveness to level Epic and inspired me to be 1000% who I can be. Here is a extract:
It’s easy to give up. To be disappointed. To complain. To be jealous. To be selfish. To be lazy. To give someone else the blame. To not believe in yourself. To not have self-control. To destruct. To be discouraged. To not want to. To give up on your dreams. To choose the quick way out. To think you can’t. To feel sorry for yourself. To think this is the end. But what does not come easy, is patience. Being encouraged. Believing in your dreams. Allowing yourself to think of new ideas. To be happy for others. To share. To take responsibility. To create. To celebrate when others win. To say sorry. To work in a team. To uplift others. To get up when things are tough. To push through. To see light in the darkness. To continue on a road less traveled.
The easy way is not the most rewarding way. The easy way is not the most exciting way. And the easy way, surely does not give me the opportunity to make a difference. Therefore, I choose to always believe, and walk a road less traveled, that hopefully leads to awesome. I hope you do the same.
Although people like her are also just ordinary people, it goes to show how we can inspire each other and help each other reach our goals and dreams. We need more people like her.
Thanks Christine for inspiring me this week! 🙂